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My Gimp


article: A convenient phrase to understand the role of the gimp in BDSM is that all gimps are submissive, but not all submissives are gimps. Gimps exist as servants, playthings and recipients of torment for their Dominant and must adhere to the 5 S's of Gimpitude: Service - Gimps should always be of service and provide utility to their Dominant Suffering - Gimps are born to suffer and should offer their pain and discomfort to their Dominant as a gift to the Divine Silence - Gimps should remain quiet unless their Dominant requires them to speak (a gag is often used to prevent noisy gimps from being heard) Storage - When not in use, gimps are often stored away in a cage or box until it is time to "bring out the gimp" (immortalized in this classic scene from the movie Pulp Fiction) Sex Toy - A gimp should always be prepared to be used as a sex toy – all gimp orifices are simply holes to be filled by the Dominant in whatever manner He or She chooses* #gimp #domoination



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