Booking with Mistress Jezebel Fatale fatcs and info:
One of the biggest rookie mistakes you can make when approaching a dominatrix via email is to write her one or two word emails. Things like “HI...”, “I want a session…”, or “You’re hot…” will most likely piss of your Domme and guarantee your email to be deleted without even a second look. Contacts like this say a lot about the person who writes them and every professional domme knows it. Firstly, it shows little to no respect for the process. Most of the time dominatrices have a personal website that they urge you to visit and read through before initiating a contact. If you didn’t take the time to read their website, why should she take the time to respond to you?!? Second, it shows your inability to follow instructions and obey simple rules. If you can’t do that, then you will probably not follow the directions your domme gives you during your session. Last but not least, it tells the provider you are not really serious and/or ready to dive into the world of domination. To sum this up, if you think you’re ready for your first encounter with a dominatrix, the number one rule is very simple - READ HER WEBSITE!!!
If you are so broke or cheap and you can’t afford to tribute your domme, but still decide to approach her with some question in the lines of “Can I be your personal slave?” or “How may I serve you (Without actually paying you for it)?” Be prepared for not so pleasant response, if you even get rewarded with one… If a prodomme needs a personal slave or someone to serve her for free, chances are she already has not just one, but a few of those. The lesson to learn here is, don’t be cheap, because the services and the company of a professional dominatrix aren’t!! If you can’t afford it at the moment, wait, save and then contact…
There are better alternatives then asking a pro to do her job for free. Here are some useful tips on what you can do instead of bugging your local dommes for free stuff:
Become active in your local BDSM community. Explore fetish parties, events and BDSM classes
Have a talk with your partner and see if they are interested in exploring some BDSM activities with you.
Find a partner that is open to BDSM
Never contact a dominatrix and give them a shopping list of things you want in your session, then offer a very low rate. This just pisses her off and you may not even get a return email. Imagine if you went to a restaurant and wanted to order $300 worth of food and wine then you explain to your waiter you only have $50. Obviously, that would never work and you and I both know you would never ever try something like that, so don’t assume that will work with your prodomme. Haggling or negotiating over her prices is a huge RED flag, most dommes will see it as a sign of major disrespect and that you are probably not someone she wants as a client. If a domme is offering any discounts or multiple services, she will let you know. You asking for it may get you in big trouble. But then, maybe that’s exactly what you’re looking for…
CAN I…..
Just STOP right now! If you are about to ask a pro-domme any question related to any sexual activity, better just assume that the answer is no. Most professional dommes have very strict rules about engaging in any sort of sexual activity or nudity on their part. This is also one of the main things listed on their personal website. Asking a dominatrix for sex is probably the rudest, most disrespectful thing to do! That means you assume they are an escort, and oh man are you wrong!!! ProDommes are NOT escorts! Just because you saw some porno online where the dominatrix had sex with her submissive, does not mean that is going to EVER happen in real life, so never ask or assume. There are plenty of escorts who offer some sort of fetish related services and even some who specialize in combining sex with femdom, contact them if you are seeking that.
You’ve passed the initial contact with your domme, you were lucky enough to set up your first appointment, good for you!!! Now you probably think, “I’m in! Nothing can go wrong anymore.” Not so fast! We all know that sometimes life happens, and plans get interfered with. The day of your appointment you get stuck in a meeting/traffic or you simply get nervous and petrified. That’s ok. Get ahold of your domme as soon as possible and let her know of your circumstances. Be respectful, apologize, especially if you are about to cancel. If you had to cancel, one of the best way to make up for a cancelled session is to send a gift to your domme. Visit her website, check out her wishlist, send an email gift certificate or simply send her the gift of cash via PayPal. Any of those will put you back on the good side and will buy you mercy.